Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry Review

Hey guys, Sammi here!

I was provided a novel by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. (I feel much more professional when I say this.)

That novel was:

I just love pretty covers *swoons* Here is the synopsis:

All they have in common is that they're less than perfect. And all they're looking for is the perfect distraction.

Kate's dream boyfriend has just broken up with her and she's still reeling from her diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.  Aidan planned on being a lifer in the army and went to Afghanistan straight out of high school. Now he's a disabled young veteran struggling to embrace his new life. When Kate and Aidan find each other neither one wants to get  attached. But could they be right for each other after all?

I really enjoyed this novel! It was cute and gave me feels! I really felt for both characters immensely. But I think I fell in love with Aidan.

Aidan was so real to me. I could picture his struggles with one arm and I empithized with his feelings of helplessness. 

Kate was a very good character, but frustrating at times. Her denial of her disease had me wanting to wring her neck at some moments. I was glad she finally got some sense knocked into her at the end. 

The plot and the characters self discoveries were well played out and well written. The romance might have moved a bit too fast for me, but overall it was cute and heart warming.

I went into this book already thinking I'd like it, because I loved the novel Something Like Normal by Trish Doller. Something about soldiers after the war novels really get to me.

Overall I really enjoyed this novel and give it 5/5 stars.

Thanks for reading!

Ta-Ta for now!

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Bookish Resolutions!

Hey guys, Sammi Here!

So recently I've been browsing booktube and I've been seeing all these '2014 Book Resolutions' and I thought it was a great idea! So I decided to do one myself, only but here on my blog. Let's begin!

1: Read more library books. 

When I was younger, I used to go to the library and FILL my basket full of books that sounded interesting. This really expanded the variety of books I was reading and increased the number of books I read as well! Plus, I didn't have to worry about money and paying for books! I haven't stepped foot in a library in months (partially because I have some fines. eeep!) and I really miss how much fun I had!

2: Document every book I read.

I have never documented how many books I've read. So the number in my head is probably waaaay off. I've already bought a calendar and I plan to write each book I read on the day I completed it.

3:Stop judging books by their cover.

I am the biggest cover Nazi ever. I judge every book by their cover and it really impacts whether I read the book or not. I'm going to try to read more synopsis' and stop being so judgmental.

4: Read a book a week.

Now this one shouldn't be too hard. I need to stop slacking and pick up some books! This also makes up my goal of 52 books for this year. Even though I am a super fast reader, I am lazy and sometimes I got a long time without reading a book.

5: Pay more attention while reading.

While I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD, this is getting ridiculous. It has come to a point where I read a book, I can't recall what happened besides there two characters got together. This is why all of my book reviews are crappy. Sigh, must take notes.

So there you guys have it! Comment down below your bookish resolutions for 2014 and happy reading!

Ta-Ta for now!